A Comprehencive Guide to CMAs


  1. a) Tally Prime including Stock Maintenance, E invoicing, GST Reconciliation etc
  2. b) Practical Approach of different Income Tax Filing along with advanced knowledge of ITR, Scrutiny, Rectification, Grievance Redressal, appeal etc
  3. c) GST Registration, GST Return filing, Scrutiny, Appeal etc
  4. d) Cost Audit- Back ground, relevant acts and Rules, how to conduct Cost Audit, Cost Accounting Standard, Cost auditing Standard, Practical example how to convert Cost audit Report in XBRL Format
  5. e) Maintenance of Cost Record- Groupings of Financial Codes from trial balance, Allocation and Apportionment, Stock Valuation, filling up Annexture to Cost Audit etc.

Faculty will be CMA Alokesh Dutta having more than 40 years industry experience and a practicing Cost & Management Accountant imparting practical training to CMA students since May 2019.

CMA Alokesh Dutta is a dedicated Cost & Monument Accountant and wants to develop Cost & Management Profession and trying to give return to profession as he has benefited a lot from the profession.

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All classes will be held on Microsoft Team Platform

For attending classes you have to follow the steps below:

1. Opening an account in Microsoft.com, if not opened earlier

2. Log in to Microsoft.com site and download Microsoft Team App

3. On the schedule date and time, open the Team App and join the meeting with Meeting Code and Pass Code provided in the Notification Bar.

4. If you are eligible to attend the course, our team will allow you to attend the class.

During classes, you will be provided Attendance cum Feedback Form in the chat box. You have to fill the form and submit the same.

After end of the whole course, you will get participation certificate from our site signed by Faculty, if you attended at least 90% of the classes.

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